Minggu, 18 November 2012

Cloud Art ~ Via: Amber Interiors {DIY}

I absolutely adore Amber Interior Design Cloud photograph DIY for her dining room, what a fantastic way to add colour to complement a room.

Here is how she did it:

I took some cool photos of white puffy clouds and had them blown up 28" x 40" on glossy poster paper. It was 30 bucks to blow up and then I framed them in Ribba's from Ikea. I photo shopped the images a bit to make them have that Lomo camera poloroid vibe and Wallah! Big original art for under 60 bucks! Woop Woop!

The inspiration

Our largescale beach photography in the loung room.  

And here is and Etsy Version for $25 
Etsy sellers will commonly to custom orders if you want to order a  larger scale. Sun Clouds Photography Blue Sky Home Decor BOGO 10x8 Print Looking Up...


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