Minggu, 03 Juni 2012

“Three Bags Full” Closet purge

I have been inspired recently to reinvent my wardrobe a little. With my job I wear both corporate and casual as we don’t have a dress code, jeans are a must for visiting construction sites.

Yesterday was a rainy Sunday, the perfect day to put on some tunes and conduct a military grade closet purge! I was feeling rapturous and decided to cut ties with "Three bags full" of clothes that have been hanging in my closet for years. Lets face it nobody has space to spare for clothes you don’t LOVE, I filled one whole bag for a girlfriend and another two bags for donations.  

Feel free to join in the “Three Bags Full” closet purge, I feel much lighter looking into my closet at items I LOVE to wear.

The end result? Black, white and Sparkles! It begs the question do we end up dressing like our house? I supose it is my style.

Also thank you friends for your beautiful comments on Fridays post, I feel so blessed to have so many wonderful supportive people here.


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