Just over two months ago My Personal Trainer mentioned the advantages of cutting sugar out of my diet (rather crazy and controversial right?). I am not the type of person to do things by halves I usually jump in head first so the very next day I decided to make a conscious decision to give up both sugar and alcohol and transform my mind and mood and intern my body.
How did I do it?
Sugar: I cut out anything that contains sugar from Sweets, Fruit, Fruit juice, Soda.
Alcohol: I quit cold turkey
After three weeks I lost the craving for something sweet at 3pm.
Three weeks after quitting alcohol I totally lost the cravings for that glass of wine a few nights a week.
The hardest part was deciding to quit three weeks before Easter, Easter Sunday I had a big mood low and looking back I can now pinpoint this as my body’s “Ah Ha moment” I was rid of all the toxins. The mood low could also be attributed to the mountain of chocolate I lavished upon my husband in compensation as it is one of his favourite days of the year.
A totally clear mind free from cravings and a loss of 5kg and a dress size (who hoo).
Willpower is key! Friends and family members will unintentionally try and derail you.
Don't be a martyr about it, if it is a special occasion like a Birthday, Engagement or a Wedding I will have a glass of bubbly or a piece of cake.
If you are interested in reading more I would suggest Reading Sarah Willsons 8 week programme or Trying a few recipes from her Cookbook (The E books are downloadable for E readers and PDF).
Here is a Pic from last weekend:
And a before pic from a similar angle: